When artist Lucy Salter comes to a remote Argyll oastline she aims to connect with nature in its wild
state. Aid worker Dave McArthur is fleeing traumatic conflict. But they have both ventured into a borderland,
layered by history, migration, and repressed violence. It is a liminal place, storied by centuries of settlement and
travel. Yet local tradition bearers, bard and seannachaidh, can channel the past. From these hauntings, a storytelling
tapestry is woven from the sea, nature myth, and weather. The long roots of our global crisis are laid bare in landfalls, where in the crucible of Gaelic tradition,
creatures of the sea meet the shore.
Long-time writer, theatre director and advocate of Scottish storytelling culture, Donald Smith modernises the saga form to examine questions of legacy;
accumulating through themes of time, trauma, environment and Celtic folklore. |