Nae doot ye think ye ken this story. Ye dinnae. The real yin's faur mair gory. The phoney wan, the wan you ken, Wis cooked up auld lang syne and then Made tae soond aw saft and sappy Jist tae keep the bairnies happy. Mind ye, they got the first bit richt, The bit whaur in the deid o nicht, The Hackit Sisters, jewels and aw, Mairched swiftly tae the Palace Baw, While yon wee darlin Cinderellae Wis doon the cellar weet and smelly Whaur rats hauf-mad for things tae eat Began tae chaw on baith her feet... An enjoyable unputdownable scandalous retelling of traditional tales like Cinderella and Snow White made funnier and more gruesome in Matthew Fitt's hilariously honkin couplets in Scots. Roald Dahl took great delight in shocking and surprising his young readers and remains as popular as ever. |