Step into the thrilling world of historical crime with A Case of Desecration in the West, the sixth instalment in the gripping John MacKenzie series set in late 17th-century Scotland. Join investigative advocate John MacKenzie and his witty sidekick Davie Scougall as they embark on a riveting journey to Glasgow and the opulent Hamilton Palace.
Unravel the mystery surrounding the drowning of Bethia Porterfield in the Avon Water. Was it a tragic accident, suicide, or something more sinister like murder? What secrets lie behind the desecration of a Quaker burial ground near Hamilton, and what connection does it have to the clandestine Cadzow Kiss, a forbidden club meeting in the ruins of Cadzow Castle? Prepare for a rollercoaster of suspense and intrigue as MacKenzie and Scougall navigate the treacherous waters of deception. |