Traditional Yorkshire Cooking (Nov)

Traditional Yorkshire Cooking


Yorkshire is renowned for producing some of the most popular and tastiest foods, compiled by Mrs Simkins, who writes regular a cookery column for Dalesman. This collection of recipes encompasses light bites, starters, soups, main courses, sweets, puddings, breads and cakes. The recipes include classic traditional dishes like Cinder Toffee, Curd Tart, Lammas Loaf, Frumenty, Haslet, Pan Haggerty, Parkin, Pikelets, Wensleydale Muffin - and of course, Yorkshire Pudding. Here is a taste of Yorkshire - in a book
  • Stock No
  • 12440
  • 9781855683754
  • Author
  • Mrs Simkins
  • Format
  • HB
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